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Interesting Nature


  • School of the Year Awards:: From the Big Wildlife Garden in the U.K. is a list of regional winners of the first Big Wildlife Garden School of the Year competition.
  • Gardens of Delight:: From the Deccan Herald is an article about corporate landscaping in Bangalore for wildlife habitat. Design theory is discussed and it is interesting to see that much of the principles of habitat design are the same in Bangalore as they are here in North America.
  • Biophilia: “An Innate Emotional Affiliation with Nature”:: From The Dirt blog discusses how people experience biophilia and how to use that in landscape design.
  • Creating wetlands in Baltimore’s Inner Harbor:: A video from the NBC Nightly News discusses a project that is trying to bring wetland habitat to Baltimore’s Inner Harbor in the form of floating islands that serve the purpose of cleaning the water as well as education and awareness.
  • ScienceShot: Streetlights Make Male Birds Macho:: An article from Science that highlights a new study that looked into the affects of artificial list on male birds.
  • L.A. County tests plan for bird-friendly plant maintenance at parks:: From the LA Times comes an article about a new program for parks maintenance to adopt strategies to disturb birds less. Part of the strategy involves changing the season pruning and trimming and to avoid an area if there’s a bird nest nearby.
  • Curating the Urban Cemetery as Bird Habitat:: This is a very interesting article from the local ecologist blog that discusses the potential of cemeteries for urban wildlife habitat


  • List of world bumblebees:: A database from the Natural History Museum that features a bumblebee ID, and a directory of bumblebees by region, group or color. Each family has information including habitat, food-plants, nesting and distribution
  • Butterflies and Moths of North America:: This is a great resource to find out about specific species as well as find out what can be found in your county.



  • Here is an excellent video produced by SW Neighborhoods, Inc. and the SW Watershed Resource Center in Portland Oregon about backyard wildlife habitat.

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Kelly Brenner

Kelly Brenner is a naturalist, writer and artist based in Seattle. She is the author of THE NATURALIST AT HOME: Projects for Discovering the Hidden World Around Us and NATURE OBSCURA: A City’s Hidden Natural World from Mountaineers Books, a finalist for the Washington State Book Awards and Pacific Northwest Book Awards. She writes articles about natural history and has bylines in Crosscut, Popular Science, National Wildlife Magazine and others. On the side she writes fiction.

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