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  • An Urban Jungle for the 21st Century:: An interesting article from the New York Times, this piece features a 10-year development plan in Singapore which aims to go from “a garden city” to a “city in a garden” which means increasing the greenery and biodiversity of plants and wildlife around the city.
  • Cities could be the key to saving pollinating insects:: An interesting study featured by BBC News, which is about a project aiming to document pollinators Britain-wide. They are surveying in 12 cities and including urban areas as well as agriculture and nature reserves.
  • Welcome to synurbia:: This BBC blog post defines this interesting term and idea which means wild animals that live and near with humans and even adapt to human settlements.
  • The search is one for great wildlife photos:: This story features a great project in Vancouver by the BC SPCA which is a photo contest for an upcoming children’s book City Critters: Living Wild in the Urban Jungle.
  • In Pursuit of Urban Nature: Hiking Olmsted’s Emerald Necklace:: This interesting blog post from The Evolving Critic, the author sought to visit the entire Emerald Necklace, an interconnected network of green space in Boston, in a single day to visit the urban nature found there.
  • Work begins on Eco-Link @BKE:: Another story out of Singapore, this one features a wildlife corridor aimed to connect two large wildlife preserves over a highway, the first in Southeast Asia.
  • Fur, Fins and Feathers: New Bedford couple explores the beauty of bugs:: This is a great article about a couple who have devoted their yard to habitat, particularly for insects of which they have a keen interest in their lifecycles.
  • City taking stormwater ponds back to nature:: This article is interesting not so much in that the city of Edmonton is transforming stormwater ponds from sterile holding ponds to more natural wetlands, but that it takes cities so long to recognize the benefits of natural ecosystems.
  • Now THIS is Recycling: Jumping Spiders Using Dragonfly Exuviae:: A fascinating post from the Northwest Dragonflier blog which features a little known example of jumping spiders using the discarded skins of dragonfly nymphs as shelter. It goes to show how much we still have to learn from nature and how much everything is connected.
  • Meet the hip urban birdwatchers:: An interesting article about a trend in birdwatching where more people are focusing on urban areas such as David Lindo who blogs as the ‘Urban Birder’ and has a new book out on the subject.



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Kelly Brenner

Kelly Brenner is a naturalist, writer and artist based in Seattle. She is the author of THE NATURALIST AT HOME: Projects for Discovering the Hidden World Around Us and NATURE OBSCURA: A City’s Hidden Natural World from Mountaineers Books, a finalist for the Washington State Book Awards and Pacific Northwest Book Awards. She writes articles about natural history and has bylines in Crosscut, Popular Science, National Wildlife Magazine and others. On the side she writes fiction.

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