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In 2016 I’m doing a 365 Nature project. Each day of the year I will post something here about nature. It may be any format, a photo, video, audio, sketch or entry from my nature journal. It could be a written piece. Each day I will connect to nature in some way and share it here by the end of that day. You can keep up-to-date by subscribing to the RSS feed or be notified by email. See all the 365 Nature posts.

Update:: After I posted I heard the Northern Flicker drumming on our neighbor’s metal chimney and recorded it. You’ll find it below.

This morning before the sun rose I heard a Bewick’s Wren singing and a short time later a Northern Flicker called several times from the top of the tree just behind our house. I was able to capture an audio recording of that call. Later in the morning as I sat inside a crow caught my eye through the window chasing something. I suspected it was a Sharp-shinned Hawk again and I eventually confirmed that when I found it in our front yard tree. We went upstairs and looked out the front window and had an excellent view of the immature Sharp-shinned before it flew off right past us.

The sun came out this afternoon in between rain showers and we were able to go sit outside for awhile and enjoy the fresh air. It was windy and still fairly cool, but it was nice to sit outside and listen to the birds for awhile. While we sat outside I saw one of the first insects of the year, a fly happened to land next to me. I did find some green stink bugs a couple of weeks ago during a sunny day which I dispatched. Last summer they pretty well destroyed our vegetable garden.

I like autumn and winter but I will be glad to have more insects to watch soon. As long as it’s not stink bugs.


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Kelly Brenner

Kelly Brenner is a naturalist, writer and artist based in Seattle. She is the author of THE NATURALIST AT HOME: Projects for Discovering the Hidden World Around Us and NATURE OBSCURA: A City’s Hidden Natural World from Mountaineers Books, a finalist for the Washington State Book Awards and Pacific Northwest Book Awards. She writes articles about natural history and has bylines in Crosscut, Popular Science, National Wildlife Magazine and others. On the side she writes fiction.

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